04 March, 2013

25. A Gift from the Stars

Nigel decided to take his wife's advice and rest for a few
days so he called up work to say he couldn't come in

I decided Issy needed a hobby or something to do besides
 stand around the house so i bought her this sketch board

Nigel would play on his beautiful piano when he got worried -
the music would always calm his nerves

Naughty Zeke decided to pee in the house again

"Bad Dog, you know better than that" Nigel scolded

Then Nigel waddled away

He was constantly going on the treadmill to try
 and loose some of the weight he has put on

Ta da, Isabella's first sketch

She is quite enjoying sketching new fashion idea's - looks like
 money well spent 

"Why didn't you clean up all of these plates before starting
your homework Carl, it's an absolute mess here" Kaylee scolded

"I wanted to get straight into my homework so i can get it
done quickly" Carl said

"I need it finished by 5 so i can meet Lail online" he continued
With her grandson busy with his homework Kaylee
went to see her daughter who was still sketching away

"I like your sketches Issy, but you never mentioned wanting
to draw or do art before this" Kaylee said

"Well i really want to get into the fashion business but i can't do 
that till Carl is an adult so until then i will sketch clothes and such. 
plus it gives me something to do besides sit around the 
house all day" Isabella explained

"Don't rush life, Carl will be old enough when the 
time comes" Kaylee said

"Yeah i know" Issy said 

With that Issy went back to sketching

and Kaylee went to paint

At 5 on the dot Carl was online playing with Lail

After a little while Nigel joined them

"Why don't they go outside with as much enthusiasm,
Video games are a waste of time" Kaylee said

It wasn't long before Carl and the rest of the household 
went to bed 

Nigel was having trouble getting to sleep

But eventually he dozed off

It was pouring with rain all night 

Kaylee was the fist one awake and played on the console -
 what a hypocrite

Carl has the childish trait so he sat down to play with his old
 red truck

Sean on the other hand was playing with Zeke

by the time Carl went to school the rain had cleared

I just thought i'd tell you guys that Nigel and Zeke are BFF's

"you still don't feel better do you?" Issy asked

"no I don't, i don't know what i feel but i feel big and
 heavy and not right" Nigel said

"Well how about if you still feel like this tomorrow we will go
to the hospital ok?" Issy said
"That would be amazing, thanks Issy" Nigel said

"I miss you Nigel, you don't seem the same when your
pre-occupied with all this stuff" Isabella said giving him a hug

with that Issy went and continued her sketches 

Whilst Nigel just glowed again

After he finished freaking out he went and had something to eat

"Hey Sean would you be willing to help me
 with the treadmill, i keep falling over" Nigel asked

"Sure, i don't mind helping but i need to go to work later so
 i can help you until then"  Sean replied

"Go on Nigel, you can do it" Sean encouraged

After a little while Nigel tripped

He quickly got up but he didn't look so good

"Are you ok Nigel" Sean asked

"I don't know exactly" Nigel said

With that he went to sit down and rest for a little

when he got a sharp pain in his stomach that forced him to stand

He started glowing again as he clutched his stomach in pain

Sparkles surrounded him as Sean watched in amazement

Then suddenly Nigel was normal again and he was holding a
 bright green baby he had just given birth to

Everyone was astounded 

"So let me guess you feel better now" Isabella said shocked

"you have no idea" Nigel said

"So you get abducted by Aliens, they do whatever to you
 and then you give birth to an alien child" Isabella said "I'm still
working on believing. what are you going to name him?"

"ummm how about Jovan" Nigel said "it's a little spacey yet
still normal enough to sound human "

"Yes Jovan Radford has a nice ring to it don't
 you think" Nigel continued

After the commotion had died down Sean went out and bought 
this crib for Jovan before heading to work

Nigel put Jovan down, wondering how on earth he was
 going to tell his son about this

Nigel had stayed back after school to do some homework
so he was the last one home and the only one who
didn't know about Jovan

"Dad, you look like yourself again" Carl said when he
came inside "what happened?"

"Yeah i do and well that's a bit hard to explain" Nigel said

"Come on Dad you can tell me" Carl said

"It's a bit hard to tell you so i guess i will just have
 to show you" Nigel said "Follow me"

Carl obediently followed his father into his bedroom
 and gazed upon the little green bundle

"Hello there" Nigel said picking up the infant

"Dad, did you have a baby?" Carl asked
 "i mean there has been rumors about that happening
to men but i never thought they were true"

"Neither did i, i'm sill having trouble believing but yes i did so
 i guess this is your Half-brother" Nigel said "Carl meet Jovan"

"Wow, i have a alien Half-brother" Carl said
 "well that was certainly not what i was expecting at all"

Carl put Jovan back into his crib

Before he went to chat to Lail, he was quite happy
telling his friend almost everything and he was a good listener.
they chatted until Carl went to bed later that night

"Carl's a good strong boy, he can handle a little drama.
don't worry about him you have a baby
to take care of now" Kaylee said

"Yeah i know all that, I just hope that when both my son's are
older that no feuds develop. i mean Jovan is sure to be a
special kid with unnatural abilities i also don't know how much 

human rubbed off on him. i just worry about what the future 
has in store for us" Nigel said

"Well, i didn't start a legacy for it to be easy, just try to flow
with changes as they come don't fight them" Kaylee said imparting
some of her wisdom to Nigel

With everything that had happened that had happened
 that day everyone was exhausted

Sadly Jovan wasn't and soon cried for attention

Like a good father Nigel was up in a flash

"there we go, all better now" Nigel said

Isabella was enjoying not being the mother as she wasn't 
expected to get up and help with the baby she just slept away

That morning over breakfast Carl seemed preoccupied
 with something 

"Is something the matter Carl" Nigel said

"I was just wondering if, Jovan can be the heir.
 Because i now have a brother does that mean i have to
compete with him for the title" Carl said

"Oh Carl, i thought that this might cross your mind. Jovan is my son
not Isabella's therefore he isn't related to Kaylee by birth
 so he isn't able to be the heir. Nigel said "so don't worry about it"

"Thanks dad" Carl said

As time passed Jovan would cry

and Nigel was always right there as he had taken
time off work until Jovan was older

Carl tried hard at school as he knew he would be the
heir before Jovan was a teenager

Sean and Kaylee still had to work and life returned to a slightly
different form of normal

It wasn't long before it was Jovan's birthday

his father Nigel carried him into toddler hood


Say hello to the toddler Jovan Radford
he didn't really inherit any of Nigel's features with his green skin
 and hair and his eyes are as black as night

He clapped for joy in his first moments of toddlerhood

The adults all tucked into some cake 

Whilst Carl entertained his brother.
although they look nothing alike they do make a cute pair
 i think Carl is going to be a great big brother

Message from Me
hey guys i know i'm getting really slack on posts but i have exams and work and stuff so i'm really busy as usual all and any comments are welcome. i hope you guys like Jovan


  1. Great post Marlianh. Don't stress about the amount of posts this is all just for fun after all.

    1. Thanks Mellow, i've been feeling really bad about not posting and you're right it is just for fun

  2. Awesome, I can't wait to get Seasons, it looks so great! Thank you for this brilliant legacy.

    1. Thanks Lizzy, i'm glad you like my blog. Seasons is so much fun you won't regret getting it

  3. Great post again.
    I absoloutly love Jovan he is sooooo cute! how on earth did you get an alien baby? I would love one in my game

    1. I have no idea, it all happened so suddenly it was so unexpected. if you wan't one i know there are things to can do to increase the chances of alien abductions like having space rocks and stuff like that. look it up for more information

  4. jovan is the cutest alien baby i ever seen. his eyes are beautiful and i love his cool hairstyle!!!

    1. I know what you mean Jovan is very cute, probably the cutest toddler yet. the hairstyle is the toddler hawk from the sims store if you were wondering

  5. WOW look at Nigel just before he gave birth he looks so wierd & puffy(still re-reading btw)
