21 September, 2012

Founders Flashback - Part 4

Mr and Mrs Radford had been talking about adopting
 another child into their family

one day Mrs Radford called up the Orphanage and organised for
their new child to be brought to its new home

A social worker pulled up
"Come on Christopher" She said

and out of the car came Christopher Radford the newest Radford

"Hello, thanks for adopting me" Chris said as he arrived
"no problem, an orphanage is no place for a young boy
 to grow up" Mrs Radford said

Kaylee also welcomed Chris
"Welcome to your new home, i hope you like it here" she asked

"I'm sure i will love it" Chris replied

Being that they were both orphans at some point, Kaylee took
 great joy in sharing the Farm with Christopher - he really took a liking to Max

"You know the farms not always fun and games, we have to work
hard to get the harvest in, why don't you go and help Dad" Kaylee told Chris

So Chris went over to see if Mr Radford needed any help

After a while he had a go at fishing

Whilst Kaylee was focusing on her studies

Chris was fishing until late at night - Max came and watched

When the sun had finally set...

Chris and Kaylee went to bed
Kaylee took care of Chris at school showing him around

It wasn't long before it was Kaylees Birthday

Cheered on by her adopted family she prepared to enter adulthood

"Here goes" Kaylee said as she blew out the candles


Welcome to the world of adulthood Kaylee Radford

Mrs Radford ran upstairs to get something special to
 give to Kaylee

"Kaylee, remember when Mrs Jefferson brought you
 back home after you ran away all those years ago" She started

"She wanted you to have something that was
very dear to her" Mrs Radford continued
"here you go" She said "I haven't opened it"

Irene's present was a necklace a beautiful necklace that
 Kaylee quickly put around her neck.
She will treasure that forever
Sadly its a bit hard to see on her current outfit
- but you can find it on her new one ;) 

Kaylee and Chris went to bed for some well earned rest

More time had passed and soon it was Christopher's birthday

More Sparkles

Chris as a teen - in my opinion a little cute :)

After the birthday celebrations had died down Kaylee
 dialed Sophie's number

"Hey how are you, when are you coming to vist" Sophie said
"Soon i hope, what town did you move to again" Kaylee asked
"Starlight Shores" Sophie answered
They spoke for a little longer and hung up

A few weeks later, After Chris begged her to take him into town
Kaylee reluctantly brought him with her to the Appaloosa town
library - she wanted to use the computers there.

It took a few hours but they finally arrived

Kaylee went right to the computer and started to
look at housing in Starlight Shores
Whilst Chris did some research for a school project

After deciding that there was nowhere to  live in Starlight shores she went and pestered her brother
"What are you doing her project on Chris" Kaylee asked

"Challenges, you know what some sims do to become famous or to
 fulfill wishes. Like the Sierra's and the 100 baby
 challenge or Everwhites and heaps of other family's
 who are doing the Legacy challenge." Chris explained

After a while he got bored of research and went and read a book

Kaylee however was curious and looked up the Legacy
challenge as she had no intention of ever having 100 children

She spent ages reading Legacy blogs and rules - she loved the idea

A few hours later Kaylee went and spoke to Chris
"I hope you had fun today but he have to go home now or mum
 and dad will get angry" Kaylee said

They got in a cab and drove off
as soon as they got home Chris started to write his
report on Challenges

Whilst Kaylee had a similar thing on her mind
"Mum can i talk to you and dad" Kaylee asked

"of course, i'll go get him" Mrs Radford said

"Thanks for coming" Kaylee said
"Your our daughter of course we would come" Her father said

"Whilst down at the library today, i didn't find a house but
Chris showed me about Challenges and more specifically the
Legacy challenge." Kaylee started

"Forgive me for being old but what does a legacy
 challenge involve" Mrs Radford asked

So Kaylee told her Parents everything she had read about legacy

"What do you think, I really want to do one but i
want your permission first" Kaylee said

"Your mother and I will back you up on anything you
want to do" Mr Radford  replied

"Thanks dad, I will finish the Challenge and take
 the name Radford with me" Kaylee said as she hugger her father

So Kaylee went to bed for the last time in the Radfords house
for the next morning she would embark on the biggest thing
she has ever tried.
Message from me
I hope you guys enjoyed reading the Flashbacks as much as I
 enjoyed writing them for you. this was the last one so i hope you enjoyed all of them don't forget to post feedback or ideas  :)


  1. The founders flashbacks where great! A very nice idea adding it to your legacy.
    I would love to make a character to your story!
